Imaginary Inpho

The Histories by Herodotus - 5 - The Scythians

Book Four


"This may be a digression, but then this account has sought out such digressions ever since its beginning."


Interesting how Herodotus is so blatant about his digressions as quoted above, that this whole book may well be just a collection of random things he heard and accounts he collected. This is almost the theme running through the book: that there is no central theme, just a collection of information and source material for future historians and readers to sort through.

One of the questions that Susan Wise Bauer recommends we ask when reading a book is, "What was the author trying to accomplish?" At this point in the book his aim seems to be to prevent as much of these stories and accounts he's collected from being lost as possible, without fully understanding their value or why they should be preserved. Only that it keeps something alive from our deep past that may emerge as significant or valuable at some future, indeterminate time.
