Imaginary Inpho

The Republic by Plato - 3 - Censoring Everything

Book Four


"So our first job, apparently, is to oversee the work of the story-writers..."

Key Takeaways

Plato's Republic is sounding a bit like a totalitarian nightmare. The amount of censorship and control that would be required here is frightening. It is reasonable to want to promote positive qualities and characteristics in your society, especially children. And maybe limiting negative content is reasonable, too, to a degree. Similar to a parent controlling what kind of shows their kids are allowed to watch. But the degree of censorship that Plato is describing things here feels way too extreme and actually totalitarian. And the promotion of something veering on eugenics in medicine only makes it worse.

It doesn't look like freedom of expression was at all an important part of this republic. Quite the opposite, in fact.
