Imaginary Inpho

The Republic by Plato - 4 - The Noble Lie

Book Five


"Now, can we devise one of those lies — the kind which crop up as the occasion demands, which we were talking about not long ago — so that with a single noble lie we can indoctrinate the rulers themselves, preferably, but at least the rest of the community?"

Key Takeaways

Who are the ones who will be indoctrinating even the rulers of the community with this noble lie? It seems like someone will need to be aware that the community's founding myth is made up, at least the people creating it. Will those people be above even the guardians? Are they part of the community? Or are they like a secret shadow government, pulling the strings on their puppet rulers? The totalitarian thread of this community continues.

Is innovation bad? Socrates says that both too much wealth and too much poverty create conditions that lead to innovation, which is a threat to the community. Innovation is change, and it seems that Plato/Socrates views that as a danger that will lead to the community's unraveling. But one could easily take the opposite view and say that a community that doesn't change will stagnate and die. Society needs to adapt to change as well, doesn't it?
